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A biznix is someone who is always busy, and seems to have no discretionary time, and is largely inaccessible to others, but has limited output which seems so small in relation to how busy that person is. The nix part suggests that there is no visible output. Even though there could be some output, it is by far outweighed by the extent to which the biznix is engrossed in their job or studying, to a point of being isolated from relevant others. For example, the employees thought that their boss was a biznix.


Is a form of success or achievement that is defined according to the success of others for example neighbours, family or friends, as opposed to success that is possible with given resources. Capxess can limit the success of a society where the highest aim becomes known success of someone, and it becomes impossible to aim higher than what one is close to or used to. Success in this way becomes capped, and those achieving it in such a situation are capxessful. One can grow within their society, capxessfully.


A Lowva is a person that commits violence against those that are physically weaker, especially male violence against women, but any violence by the stronger against those with no chance of retaliating successfully. A Lowva has Lowvaristic tendencies.